Make a difference for people and places that matter to you! Become a Parish Councillor


Girton Parish Council

Could you be a Parish Councillor and make a difference for the people that you know and love?

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Vacancies for Parish Councillors on Girton Parish Council

When I posted a notice on Girton Noticeboards for new Councillors last week I thought about a response to an interview question that asked What do Parish Council’s do? The answer to this question at the time was ‘I don’t know’.

At the time you might immediately think well this person should have done their research. However, I believe it highlighted a wider blind spot for many people. This young lady now spends her time finding new and creative ways of involving and including the Community in everything her Council does.

Your Parish Council as the first level of Government is responsible for decision-making and spending money to benefit your village.· It is not political.· It should be inclusive and anyone in the village, the place where you live (All electors in the village subjective to a few exclusions can join).

As you look at my notices being posted and think: A Parish Councillor, that’s not me! what you might be doing is reducing any possibility of representing the needs and wants of people that you know and love.

I looked around my friendship group when someone asked me if I would consider joining the council at Histon & Impington 4 years ago (I am clerk at Girton and a Councillor at Histon & Impington Parish Council). No one I knew was involved. Our Council has since moved from a Council searching for members to a Council that had a vote for the first time in many years. Many people do not know that by having a full set of Councillors voted in you are part of a team that creates greater powers for your Council.

By being eligible for The General Power of Competence, it gives your Council the power to do anything an individual can do provided it is not prohibited by other legislation.

There is the potential for us all to do so much more at local level for the present and for the future. For your families, for your children in the place where you live.

If Councils do not represent you and your families, your businesses, your recreation choices then your perspectives, your passions, your wellbeing may be overlooked. Please don’t let it be!

Next time you see a notice for a Parish Council please consider. Could this be me? What difference could I make to my family by getting stuck in at local level? You have the opportunity not just to join a Council but to change the way that Parish Council’s work to support your family and your community.

You would be made very welcome at Girton Parish Council.

Any questions do let me know at

Yvonne Murray (Girton Parish Clerk)