A message from GPC Chair & Vice Chair at end of 2024

Dear fellow residentsAs the year concludes, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on what the Parish Council has enabled in Girton this year.

We love to listen, and our actions in 2023 have been driven by feedback new and old. Items of note have included successful applications for two road safety improvement schemes, improved safety at the Rec car park, installation of new outdoor table tennis facilities, expanded food truck opportunities, and tackling some overdue maintenance tasks across the village, along with taking part in the Feast, Coronation weekend events, and Christmas Fayre.

We look forward to continuing to support the work of the Local Nature Recovery Group, getting formal Nature Reserve status for Town End Close, and making a start on the approved improvements to facilities at Wellbrook Way, amongst other projects.

Nothing that we do is possible without being able to work in co-operation with the various groups across the village and Girton residents.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to the whole of our community for your valuable feedback and collaboration.

As we step into the New Year, marked by renewed hope and opportunities, I also want to extend heartfelt thanks to the Parish Council staff for their dedication and hard work in serving our community.

Let’s continue our shared journey of working together for the betterment of all.Wishing you a joyous holiday season filled with warmth and togetherness.

Daniel Carney, Chair, Girton Parish Council

Happy New Year!

I hope that 2024 brings you joy in your life, especially if things are not going well for you at the moment. There are many who will be thinking about their New Year Resolutions and wondering what this year will bring. I have a saying ”Things happen for a reason.” I’ve used it lots over the years and at times it takes a few years before the reason is clear. I’ve been in education for over 45 years now and worked with people of all ages from many countries and do voluntary work connected with education and health and social care as well as paid work.
In July 2021, I was co-opted on the Girton Parish Council. It has not always been easy, juggling a full-time job that has long hours, an elderly parent and parents in-law both living 5 hours away in different parts of the country, two daughters getting married in the same year and getting to grips with the procedures surrounding local government. However, it has been fulfilling and I have learnt so much. Yes, there have been times when I’ve had to make decisions that are unpopular with some but, it is important to work together as a team. The Parish Council needs to be diverse and to consider views from all residents. We need to be open and transparent and to accept that sometimes mistakes are made, though sometimes these are not of our making.
Having lived in Girton for more than 33 years now, I can honestly say that being a Parish Councillor has been one of the most rewarding things I have done. We need to work together and look at what is best for the community we live in, and this does not mean that those who shout loudest get what they want. I’ve learnt that people will either like you or not but that doesn’t mean that we can’t appreciate and respect them for what they do. There are no party politics involved in what we do!
This GPC is now 18 months through its 4-year term and has had people join and leave for a variety of reasons but each has been passionate about doing what is right for the community.
As Vice Chair, I sit on all the committees as an ex-officio officer and also Chair the Finance and Resource Management Committee and the HR Committee as well as being the Representative on CAPALC, which is a body which supports local councils and gives us advice on legal matters and answers questions we may have.
Please do get in touch if you have anything you would like to raise. We will do our best to listen and act in the best interest of Girton Residents. Better still, come to a meeting and tell us or join us on the Parish Council. We’re looking at how your money should be and could be spent in the next year.
ann.muston@girton-pc.gov.uk Mobile 07796430345

To find out more about Daniel, click here
To find out more about Ann, click here
To find out more about all our Councillors, click here