Girton’s 2025/2026 Precept Survey & Girton’s Great Plan

To complete our short budget and precept survey please click here.

Can you help Girton Parish Council as we decide upon the Girton Parish Council’s precept for 2025/2026, (see below)?

Note:  The precept is the parish council’s share of the council tax. It is calculated as part of the parish council’s budget and is the amount of council tax that the billing authority collects on behalf of a parish council. The precept demand goes to the billing authority, which collects the tax for the Parish Council. The ‘Precept’ is converted into an amount per Council Tax Band that is added onto the Council Tax bill.

One of the most important decisions, if not the most important decision that every Parish Council has to make is to plan a budget to cover Operations, Asset Management and New Projects each year.  Girton Parish Council wishes to understand better your requirements and needs in order to make better decisions on your behalf.

This year as you will know Girton Parish Council has been working on Girton’s Great Plan. This plan includes consideration of refurbishing and possibly extending Girton Recreation Ground Pavilion and the facilities on the REC.  Wilby & Burnett, our project manager has undertaken 33 interviews with village organisations to understand their requirements for our village.  To view the plan and possibilities please access Girton Parish website, link below:

The precept received from South Cambridgeshire District Council by Girton Parish Council is currently £92.27 (2023/2024 £74.51) for a band D house providing a total precept of £180,147 (2023/2024 £150,025) for our village.  The Band D amount ranks Girton 42nd (2023/2024  66th) in terms of size out of 103 Parish Councils in SCDC. 
In January 2024 the precept was raised by £17.76 by Girton Parish Council last year, This a rise of of £23.45 over the past 5 years.  For more information on the 2024/2025 precept see Girton Village Community Website, please use link below:
What matters to you in Girton?  What should your council be budgeting for in 2025/26 and the next three years?

To complete our short budget and precept survey please click here.

We will share the results with you and include your input in our precept setting discussions.  The deadline for responding is Monday 2nd December.  The speedier your response the more that Council can take these into account before we set the precept in early January.  This questionnaire gives Girton residents further opportunities to consider input from people who live in Girton.

This year is the second year for this survey. For the first time we have time to include this survey in Girton Parish News.  For everyone who wants a separate hard-copy of the survey, then we will deliver to you if you call us on 01223 237173 or email the clerk at 

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