If you’d like to take part in Girton-based discussion, we would invite you to join the Girton forum. This is run using Slack and supports group discussions and one-to-one messaging. To join in, please go to this page and sign up. If you are already on Slack, the workspace name is “girtoncambs”.
There is now also a growing community Facebook group for the village, which can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/girtonvillagecommunitygroup/
The growth of this private community Facebook group, shown below, has enabled Girton Parish Council and other groups and businesses to communicate their events and services in Girton. Also, Girton Parish Council as a ‘digital champion’ for District and County Council is able to distribute information quickly when needed.
Please do join and also email clerk@girton-pc.gov.uk to confirm more of the information you would like to see.